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Sound and ergonomic specialization for Rust

Specialization holds the dubious honor of being among the oldest post-1.0 features remaining in unstable limbo. That’s for good reason, though: until recently, we did not know how to make it sound.

There’s a long history here, but I’ll pick up from the immediately previous episode: Niko’s blog post on “max-min” specialization. While that post showed, for the first time, an “obviously sound” approach to specialization, it came at a severe ergonomic cost for the ecosystem. This post proposes a twist on Niko’s idea that avoids its downsides.

Restating the problem

First, let’s reintroduce our nemesis: lifetime dispatch. I wrote at length about this problem before, but the core issue is that for specialization to be sound, we need type checking and code generation (“trans”) to agree on what it does. But there are two big things that happen between those compiler phases:

  • Monomorphization, which instantiates all generics with actual types.
  • Lifetime erasure, which destroys all lifetime information.

Lifetime erasure means that we must prevent lifetime-dependent specializations like the following:

trait Bad {
    fn bad(&self);

impl<T> Bad for T {
    default fn bad(&self) {

// Specialization cannot work: trans doesn't know if T: 'static
impl<T: 'static> Bad for T {
    fn bad(&self) {

fn main() {
    "test".bad() // what do we see?

In a case like this, the type checker has more information than trans does, and hence will use the more specialized impl. Trans, by contrast, has lost the information that "test" is 'static, and hence cannot use the specialized impl. This kind of disagreement can easily cause soundness problems.

Unfortunately, it’s not so easy to fix, partly because “lifetime dependence” can happen in very subtle, indirect ways, and partly because monomorphization causes information mismatches in the opposite direction, where trans knows more than the type checker.

Bottom line, we’ve searched long and hard in this space and come up short – until fairly recently.

Niko’s max-min proposal

In Niko’s latest blog post, he proposes an ingenious strategy for ensuring soundness: we simply bake in the needed requirements for any traits we wish to specialize on.

In particular, we want a specialization to occur only when the relevant impl is “always applicable” (i.e. regardless of how type and lifetime parameters are instantiated). This always-applicable test, in particular, ensures that the difference in knowledge produced by monomorphization and lifetime erasure cannot matter.

The blog post is fairly long and contains several extensions, but basically boils down to the following: an impl is always applicable if:

  • it is fully generic with respect to lifetimes (no repetitions, use of 'static, or constraints),
  • it doesn’t repeat any generic type parameters, and
  • the only trait bounds that appear are for “always applicable traits”.

Specialization is only allowed when the more specialized impl is always applicable.

An “always applicable trait” is one that is marked with a special attribute, #[specialization_predicate], which means that all impls of the trait must be always applicable. In other words, it forces the “always applicable” property to apply recursively to all the traits involved in an impl.

Now, this works quite well when specializing a blanket impl with an impl for a concrete type:

impl<T> SomeTrait for T { /* default fns */ }
impl SomeTrait for SomeType { /* specialized fns */ }

That’s because in this case, we aren’t adding any extra trait bounds nor type parameters.

However, the proposal has a major downside, and one that it seems was not well understood by the broader community: specialization based on traits like TrustedLen requires those traits to be specially-marked, and doing so is a breaking change!.

In particular, suppose we want to do the following:

impl<T: Iterator> SomeTrait for T { .. }
impl<T: Iterator + TrustedLen> SomeTrait for T { .. }

According to the definition above, this is only allowed if TrustedLen is marked with #[specialization_predicate]. But nothing prevents there from being impls like the following today:

impl TrustedLen for MyType<'static> { .. }

Adding the #[specialization_predicate] would make such impls illegal, breaking downstream code. And more generally, both adding or removing the attribute is a breaking change, forcing all trait authors to make a difficult up-front decision, and meaning that none of the existing traits in the standard library could be used as a bound in a specializing impl.

A new idea

Last week at the Rust All Hands in Berlin, I talked to some members of the Libs Team about the max-min proposal and it became clear that they’d missed the above implications – and they were left quite dejected. “So does specialization solve any of the original use cases?”

Naturally, that got me thinking whether we could do better, and I think we can – basically by slightly repackaging Niko’s insight.

The key idea: Rather than a per-trait attribute, we provide an explicit specialization modality for trait bounds. That is, you write something like specialize(T: TrustedLen) in a where clause. This specialization mode is more selective about which impls it considers: it effectively drops any impls that constrain lifetimes or repeat generic parameters. Trait bounds, however, are fine; they are just interpreted within the specialize mode as well, recursively. Thus, an impl is “always applicable” if:

  • it is fully generic with respect to lifetimes (no repetitions, use of 'static, or constraints),
  • it doesn’t repeat any generic type parameters, and
  • the only trait bounds that appear are (recursively) within the specialize mode.

This is easiest to see by example:

trait Foo {
    fn foo(&self);

impl<T> Foo for T {
    default fn foo(&self) {

// The compiler refuses this specialization: it is not always applicable
impl<T: 'static> Foo for T {
    fn foo(&self) {

trait SomeTrait {}
impl SomeTrait for i32 {}
impl SomeTrait for &'static str {}

// The compiler refuses this specialization: it is not always applicable
impl<T: SomeTrait> Foo for T {
    fn foo(&self) {

// The compiler **accepts** this specialization, because `specialize(T: SomeTrait)`
// filters the applicable impls to only the "always applicable" ones.
impl<T> Foo for T
    where specialize(T: SomeTrait)
    fn foo(&self) {

fn main() {
    true.foo(); // prints "generic"
    0i32.foo(); // prints "specialized:"
    "hello".foo(); // prints "generic", because the `&'static str` impl for `SomeTrait` is ignored

Interestingly, this design is almost latent in the original RFC! The new mechanism here, though, is an explicit filtering of impls via specialize. This explicit filtering is helpful not just for soundness, but to remind the programmer that specialization is not considering all impls, but rather a filtered set.

Moreover, it should be possible both within the type checker and in trans to detect cases where the “naive” (unfiltered) specialization algorithm would have produced a different result, and produce a warning in such cases.

I believe that this approach is as “obviously” sound as Niko’s proposal; it could even be understood as a kind of sugar over his proposal. And given our experiences in this area, I’ve long since believed that the only acceptable solution would have to be “obviously” sound – no clever tricks. The specialize modality has a very natural interpretation in Chalk, where we are already juggling other modalities related to crate-local reasoning.

Finally, it’s worth saying that the particular mechanism here is orthogonal to the many other design questions around specialization, including things like “intersection impls”, as well as the other extensions mentioned in Niko’s previous post.

While I’m doubtful that specialization will make it for the Rust 2018 release, I think that with luck it could stabilize this year.